While I have learnt many communication skills over this semester, the most important one, in my opinion, is that I have learnt to listen to other people better. Working as a group for the peer-teaching and the proposal and oral presentation, I have realised that for us to be able to work cohesively together, I have to listen better to my group-mates and consider their ideas instead of dismissing their ideas and pushing mine on them. Talking to each other is essential in effective communication. But only when I listen to others then can our communication process be truly complete.
This module is definitely one which has provided me with the most opportunities to communicate with my course-mates and the lecturer. Being able to speak to my classmates and Brad in class was a refreshing, fun yet educating experience as compared to my other modules where we can go the entire semester without speaking to any other person in tutorials. As such, I looked forward to each ES2007S session.
While I can’t be definite that I would use all the skills that I have learnt after this course, I can promise that I would try my best. In the end, it would be the fundamental communication skills like self-management and active listening that I would remember for life.
To my dear classmates: Thanks for your support and contributions in class! Through our interactions and friendships, I have become a better person (and communicator). May our friendships last!
To Brad, our communications guru: Thanks so much for guiding us through an important aspect of our lives. You’re a great coach who can really engage us in class. Gan bei!